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Partnering with
Local Wisconsin Business

We believe in working with partners to promote local, quality Wisconsin businesses. Learn more about business opportunities in your area or about our partners in dry cleaning and clothing preservation.

Certified restoration drycleaning network logo
The Certified Restoration Drycleaning Network (CRDN) is an international organization of textile restoration specialists serving the insurance industry, contractors/contents cleaning companies and property owners. CRDN's experienced, highly trained textile cleaners specialize in insurance restoration laundry and dry cleaning services for all types of loss.

The changes which have occurred in the dry cleaning industry over this decade are not surprising yet speak volumes of the tenacity and vision of our leadership at both the national and state levels of organization in the Wisconsin Fabricare Institute, Inc. WFI strives to drive up the level of quality and professionalism of individual drycleaners and the industry through meaningful educational and informational programming. We ENCOURAGE dry cleaners to be environmentally responsible and visibly proactive.

The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) has been the premier international trade association for garment care professionals since 1883. Representing over ten thousand retail dry cleaning facilities in the United States alone, DLI is the world's leading professional garment care organization. DLI's balanced representation of cleaning entities, both large and small, makes it the industry voice. Through legislative & regulatory policy development, education, professional training, information, garment analysis, research, and textile testing, DLI offers solutions to help member businesses remain on the competitive edge.

For screen printed and embroidered clothing, Martinizing Cleaners turns to Imagine Branding. This local Milwaukee company can handle all garment types and make them personal.

Signarama is our official sign partner. Check them out for all your sign needs, including tradeshow graphics. They created our vehicle wrap graphics, seen on all our delivery vans while they are out performing free deliveries.

To learn more about our partners or to become one, contact our Milwaukee dry cleaning staff.