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Milwaukee Martinizing 
First-Class Fur Storage


Five Star Reviews

Milwaukee Dry Cleaners Offer 
Exceptional Fur Cleaning and Storage

Our Milwaukee dry cleaners understand the intricate processes involved in fur dry cleaning. We have years of experience in fur cleaning and are one of the few fur dry cleaners Milwaukee has to offer. We employ state of the art cleaning processes developed by the industry's most well-known fur experts.

There is no better time to get your fur dry cleaned. If you are unable to drop off your fine fur you may request a Milwaukee dry cleaning pick-up and delivery service. Our drivers will pick-up and drop off your fur at your convenience, ensuring safe and protective transportation. Be prepared to look stunning for your next formal party or dinner event and schedule your Milwaukee laundry pick-up service today.

a group of clothes outside of a store

Climate Controlled Storage

Worried your fur will be damaged at your home? Martinizing offers fur storage for when you want to keep your clothing safe. All of our Milwaukee Martinizing locations will seasonally store your fur with utmost care and protection. Our Milwaukee dry cleaners clean your furs to return them to near-mint condition.

Contact our Milwaukee dry cleaners for professional fur dry cleaning.

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